
  • 26th July 2024

My Now Page

This is a now page.

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  • 26th July 2024

My Uses page

My everyday setup for work and life.

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  • 15th July 2023

Django + Unpoly - The tutorial - Part 1

Most of the systems I build are CRUDs. Unpoly make them feel like SPAs. That's it.

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  • 24th April 2023

Django: overriding save() just on new objects

Sometimes you need to make Django behave a little different . This is one of these situations.

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  • 11th January 2023

Linear App and product management

Found the ideal product/project management tool for me...

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  • 3rd January 2023

Django + Unpoly = ❤️

Fed up with JS ecosystem? Too many builds, tools and other concerns? Please, follow me...

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